Care and Keeping

How to care for your Needle Felted Sculptures.

Needle Felt is the process of taking wool roving and using special needles to shape it into whatever you can imagine.

While Needle Felt can look and feel similar to stuffed dolls/animals, they are meant to be displayed, and are not toys. They can be handled gently for short periods of time.

Needle Felt art does best in areas away from direct sunlight and not likely to accumulate dust. Gentle tapping can help to knock a bit of light dust that might accumulate from time to time. Needle Felted items cannot be washed as the wool may shrink, and or damage any internal structure(such as wire armature on larger pieces).

If an item is handled too much, most of the time, some gentle manipulation of the surface will get things back to their proper shape.

For storage, the piece should be keep in an airtight container that will keep it free from moisture and pests.